Jun 23, 2009


everybody is talking about SALES!
and you want to know what...I never care about SALES!
for me everyday everywhere always sales...
either sales with promotion or discount cuts or not, that's all! betul tak?
come on people, don't be too excited of all those 'fake sales'
furthermore excited till you are out of cash to pay the credit cards!
come on people! be more realistic aite.
Berpada dan pilih keperluan instead of kemahuan, life will be better. Walla!

Jun 21, 2009

My jalan-jalan (1)

With lots of questions when the stories will out, so now here it is...enjoy the a-not-so-story from me! Walla!

first of all...wuuhuu! I'm back in KL =) dengan fening fening sikit la...
so mau cerita2 la along my trip yang tak seberapa (but at least satisfied myself) ni ha =p

May 29, 2009:
MAS flight to London. 12 hours journey which I totally fulfilled it with five movies!
I watched the Confession Of A Shopaholic followed by Brides War, Enchanted, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and last end up with The Reader. Out of that five movies, I love The Reader =) Foods in MAS so-so ok la, I rather choose Air Asia coz I can get my fav 1901 hotdog!
Arrived in London Heathrow airport. Took train straight to Ruislip in zone 6. Walked to The Barn Hotel. Really like the surrounding area of the hotel, quite country and lovely suited the name so well ~barn~. Really good room and bath room with jakuzi and TV. Plus with absolutely good breakfast! walaupun jauh di zone 6 but really satisfied. After checked-in the hotel, went to St Pancras train station to get all the Eurostar tickets to Brussels & Paris and back to London. Went back to The Barn.

May 30, 2009:
The day started with short times spent to Trafalgar Square, snapped some pictures and ate Subway. Continue the journey in the middle of the day by Eurostar to Brussels, Belgium. I just totally enjoyed the beautiful full of colors scenery along the way...what a big full of calms atmospheres. But unluckily I can't snap any good picture from inside the train...the glass window interrupted my camera lens view...what else can I do then, just enjoyed it! Arrived in big city of Brussels, walked here and there with everywhere hard to understand signs! at last, took taxi to Leuven and...damn! the cost was too much! whatever!
Checked in the Novotel Hotel in Leuven. Rest for a while. Out from hotel and pusing2 bandar Leuven. Nothing much, just quite unique antique atmesphere, and only
attracted to the Express Carrefour. Bought some food stocks and another wow! the food prices are expensive! again, whatever =p Backed to hotel and arranged all the things and continue with rest and slept.

May 31, 2009:
Morning with smiles =) Took train from Leuven to Amsterdam. Hehee...the Hard Rock Amsterdam as the main point. Arrived after 3 hours journey. Met 5 friends who are working with Shell and walked to Hard Rock. Took lunch there plus, of course everybody bought the hard rock merchandises ^__^ and I just bought a shirt for myself =p by the time i was abit confused to spent my cash, pening2 kire2 duit untuk perbelanjaan seterusnya enough or not...hehee...tak reti mengira betul! abit regretted bought just for myself! huhuuu... next, jalan2 pusing2 Amsterdam, cari2 souvenirs, snapped some pics and balik Leuven la ape lagi =p

1st week (June 1 to June 6, 2009):
Most of the time in Novotel Hotel Lueven, Belgium. Totally in front of satu kilang yang amat besar! At first I thought kilang chocolate la, dah kata Belgium kan famous with all those choco thingy, dah la petang2 mesti mengeluarkan bau ala2 fresh kacang rebus lagi! but 3 days after that baru tau bahawasanye kilang itu kilang Stella Artois terbesar di dunia! uurrgghhh! Arak siot!
And most of the time having meeting and training and workshop in Oblicore HQ office with Kak Su, Sham, Osyla and Alan, also Mark and others. Learning and questioning and eating and whatever! =p

On June 4, everybody, after the discussion, decided for jalan2 ke Brussels City, yey! Macam2 ada especially choco and tarte shops! wow! but most of the things are expensive tho. Mahal la bagi pihak kite, pihak diorg ni average la kut =p Mark brought us all to the main attractions which are the city hall and the statue of boy peeing! ahaks! there's a story for the peeing boy tho. Next time la cerita, kalau ade permintaan yer =p
On June 6, this time to Brugge City pulak. Main activity as target was nak naik bot! Canalling la orang kate =)

2nd week (June 7 to June 13, 2009):
Still in Leuven finishing the works until June 9 and next destination was Paris! Stopped at Gare Du Nord and seached for Hotel Paris de Maubeuge. Agak malang disebabkan masalah pertuturan bahasa, hotel yang sepatutnya 5 minit from the train station tu baru batul2 jumpa after one hour plus terpusing2! pengalaman betul! lain kali pegi mane2 wajib bawak GPS! uurrhhgghh! =p After released the kepenatan, terus menghala ke Hard Rock Paris! =) hehee...then pusing2 la area dekat2 situ termasuklah sampai juga hajatku mencari di mana Fragonard punye tempat. FYI, Fragonard is one of the hard to find perfume, cuma terjual di Paris sahaja yer ;-) kalau nak ade pun Fragonard mini kind-of-soap-perfume ada terjual dalam menu flight MAS.
Well, Paris was just a short trip with main target was of course the Eiffel Tower =) June 11, spent time in the middle of so cold atmosphere while queuing for ticket to 'climb' the tower. Nasib baik awal giler sampai siap breakfast kat area Eiffel tu. Altho the ticket counter open at 9.30am but the queue started an hour earlier. Got 3 levels which you can choose where to stop and pusing2 keliling tower tu. For me of course I choosed the upper level, tingkat paling atas! So I can see the whole Paris from up there...wow! the view from up there...sooo beautiful! Boleh kire aku snapped pics from every angle! Tapi aduhhhh sejuk dengan angin yang agak kuat kat atas tu...huhuu...ape2pun it's really joyfulness ^__^ Walaupun sedikit kecewa tak dapat pegi Lourve...balik from pusing2 sebelum ke hotel, layan makan kat Restaurant Kebab Chalet Du Nord, located in front of the street to Gare Du Nord. Masakan paling best! lamb chop beserta nasi tomato ala2 beras sushi dengan fries and salad...ffuuhhhhh! terbayang sedapnya! huhuuu...
So, June 11 evening, already in London and the first place visited was Paddington. Layan cari makan and barang keperluan sikit. Oh, this time I choosed Holiday Villa Hotel as the accomodation. Rupenye dekat je dengan Malaysian hall! =)
Well, on June 12 & 13 most of the time spent along Oxford street where the famous place for everybody to shop and shop with full of promotions and sales especially for branded clothes and shoes! uurrgghh! nasib baik teringat kat beg yang ku bawa kecik, kalau tidak, nafsu membeli mungkin tergoda! ehehee...and tak lupe la Hard Rock London =) Other places yang ku lawati seperti Big Ben, Eye of London, area Trafalgar Square up to Buckingham Palace plus the Hyde Park, and ect yang sempat...gitu je la...June 14 dah back to KL, with 3 bags yang 'gemuk'... =)

p/s Hard Rock Cafes: out of four I've been to (included Jakarta), Amsterdam is the best, with more tees & shirts designs to choose of especially for guys. And with the most cheerful friendly lady in the counter ^__^

Jun 20, 2009

Pics I Love...

My FB status of the day is [[I'm STILL malas...malas itu malas ini...rajin cuma bekerja sahaja]]

But I'm here just to jot down my fav / love pics from the famous finest image makers Steve McCurry!
Perhaps I'm totally sure most of the photographer want to have great works as Steve, including me tho!
Altho actually I cannot be say as 'a photographer' =p but I love taking snapping pics everywhere anytime.
In my comprehension, all Steve's works come together with spirit, potraits and all touching your soul.
Please visit his site and explore his works. Walla! ^__^

Jun 17, 2009


My FB status of the day... [[I'm malas...malas itu malas ini...rajin cuma bekerja sahaja]] and this is the main reason why I'm still not finished typing 'my jalan2' stories for my last trip!
Giler malas tho! What can I do!? Help me!
but this is not petanda for H1N1 kan? kan? kan?
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