Dec 29, 2008

no more 'run'

oh ho ho ho...! yup, this time, no more 'run',
I love to 'run' since I know myself,
'run' from nothing but everything...I think!
sometime I realized but must of the time I don't :p
run and run and run and I love running thou! =)
running in life is interesting, 'run' with 'eyes' and 'ears',
resulted in bunch of experiences =)
experiences which help me in dealing with my life, your life too,
but, well...not all the time you can run,
there is time which force you to stay, don't move,
there is time when you need to stop running,
stop and more 'run'...
for a while, or perhaps, for longer than a while ;)

Happy happy new year - we've entered Muharram 1430H already now =)
let's start our new year with new us, let's be better than yesterday, best for future.

p/s ape2pun aku jeles sebab aku tak RUN as aiman and daus and zana in Jerai Eco-Challenge!
p/s2 and I'm quite jealous for cannot joined the Putrajaya Lake Kayak Expedition on last 2 days!
p/s3 or perhaps I was 'run' from both? ceh! penatlah 'run'!
p/s4 I can't 'run' anymore after that big decision from the juries...ape2la...

2 comment:

Anonymous said...

ape kes blog mu kali ni...
meh i kejar.. sure u can run punye!c

dikazzz said...

ahahha! ceh! ikut suke i la ape i nak tulis... :p

by the way, thanks for reading my dear... :x

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