Aug 2, 2014

loving freely wonder lots of teenagers love korean movies
i do think all because of the movies mostly all about loves
messy love, untangle love, unrestricted love, triangle love, sweet love
unconditional love, bla bla bla love...and mostly more than one love in one movie!
haha...ya people do love taking and watching on loves...
are u in love?
lucky if u are...and still lucky if u are not, yet...

for me...i love the free love,
love because u love, not because others,
love because u want to, not because forced to,
love when your heart want to love and be loved,
not love or be loved only, no one sided love...
life and love must be fair for each other aite?
and so do the people in love...

trust and fair on both sides, and the love will go on freely...
u will love more and more when u loving freely...
like the parents love their children freely...
freedom of loves...i love freedom, i love loves...

everybody loves love,
but...anybody hates love? perhaps...there is...
must be due to some logic or emotional reason aite?
or perhaps love did or white?
no matter what, love cannot be blamed for anything,
love is just a sweet word with a sweet meaning and sweet story,
so pls do not change the love to be bitter,
u choose the style and color and melody of your love,
love is free but pls appreciate it well,

i love u

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