Nov 27, 2007


terribly upset!?'s not me actually,
but some of my close friends,
they are devastated! inconsolable...
some of them, they lost something,
some because of can't get what they want,
some got what they don't want to have,
but most of them because of the loves stories,
and I just listening...and advising,
let's bygone be bygone,
we learn from the good and bad past...
we have to go with the flow...
don't force yourself in anything or everything!
do not compare this and that, past and beyond, u and me,
don't always hope for all the perfect things!
do not hope to be that perfect! because I'm sure nobody can be prefect...
nothing can be perfect!
just choose to be in simple-wonderful life,
and go with the flow...just, go with the flow...

p/s because of this inconsolable issues, I would like to dedicate the BSB's song - Inconsolable ^_^ to all of u and me...


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