Apr 17, 2008


hhmm...lately keep on thinking of doing some changes,
changes in me, myself, my life...
maybe I'm bored enough with some kinda boring things surrounding me,
maybe I have to jump to another ship,
maybe I need to be lone-ranger again as I was,
maybe I want to go out of this space of mine for a while,
maybe to underwater world, or upper sky world,
or maybe I supposedly go with Lat & Ivy to UK,
but, I'm afraid that...
once I start changing,
lots of things will change!

noted: Live for the sake of living. Give for the sake of giving. Love for the sake of love. Learn because you can.

4 comment:

Unknown said...

"We make a living by what we GET, we make a life by what we GIVE"

dikazzz said...

huhuhuu...ntah la Lat :p by the way, we won't be able to commit to anything if we try to commit to everything, tul tak? ;) Life must go on...

Unknown said...

if you are afraid to lose 'anything', then dont commit to 'everything'.

Talking about life, life goes on and it never stops... its about what you going to do in life.
Life is short, make full use of it.

dikazzz said...

aye aye Lartz! ^_^ aye aye...life is short and I'm try to full+fill it =p

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